Three dimensional machining with laser is based on removing material by the ablation method, in other words vaporizing the material with a very intensive laserbeam. This innovative machining process is ideal for laser engraving applications and for high precision micromachining of very small and filigree geometries. The geometry can be completely produced ready with the laser or small details can be added to pre-machined geometries afterwards.

3D lasermachining is also a powerful method for the machining of difficult processable materials, such as very hard materials or non conducting materials.
Our customers are for example:
-Toolmakers: injection mould toolmanufacturers, Sheet metal working toolmanufacturers
-Electronic industry
-Medical industry
-Coin- and medal toolmanufacturers
-Jewellery toolmanufacturers
Laser is used for example in the following applications:
-manufacturing of small and complex precsion mould components
-text-, logo- and symbol engravings on flat or on free 3D surfaces
-embossing tool engravings
-material deforming tool manufacturing
-2D and 3D micromachining
-manufactring of spark erosion electrodes made of copper and graphite
-2D and 3D machining of tungsten carbide, technical ceramics, PCD and CBN
-manufacturing of jewellery tooling
-manufacturing of filigree coin- and medal tooling
-manufacturing of very small watch components
-decoration / texturing of various 2D and 3D surfaces
-lasermarking of various components
Technical information of the laser machines:
We are using top-modern 3D laser ablation machines that are specialy designed for precison machining. The lasers are laser IPG-fiber laser 20W, IPG- 15w Nd:YVO4, diode pumped- and 100w Nd:YAG lamp pumped lasersources. A small spot size combined with stable pulsed lasers makes it possible to produce very accurate parts with a good surface finish. Even vertical walls are possible to produce by cutting the walls with an angled beam through the multi-axis technology.
The machines are equipped with high dynamic 3-axis galvanometer scanners and 3-axis XYZ traversing tables which means that totally 6-axis are available.
The programming and control of the machines are totally computer driven.
Automatical depth monitoring during the entire machining process assures a reliable and accurate machining result.
The positioning of the workpiece zeropoint in XY- is taken very precise with a CCD video microscopic camera.
Watch our 3D-laser machining YouTube video
Download brochure of laser machining for the cutting tool industry here